Saturday, August 20, 2011

Don't Diet When You Are Simply Changing Your Diet

Here is an article that I found about a circumstance that is becoming all too common. Women are starting to change their husbands diets without them knowing about it. It is easy to eat healthy and not miss out on foods that you think you can't live without. By adding foods like Quinoa to your diet you can substitute so much for something with more health benefits. Enjoy this article below.

You won't be dieting, you'll be changing ingredients and you may surrender to some changes without turning your nose up before trying. It took a very long time to put that weight on, it'll come off, though not in six weeks like the thin models on your Television screen.

Have some patience! Do not have the attitude of a dieter. Remember, you aren't starving. You are eating savory, flavorsome food. My hubby was 241 lbs. And had a triple bypass 6 years back. Today he weighs 178 lbs and his cholesterol is 108. I never lied to him about his food, I just neglected to say that I did stuff like replacing the ground meat in his chili with vegan protein crumbles ( from the frozen food case ) and the shredded cheddar was vegan cheese from the superstore produce department. Believe it or disbelieve it, the shredded vegetarian cheddar tastes and liquifies miles better than the regular no-fat cheddar. He was starting to think there had been something awfully wrong with him. I purchased a chef book with masses of creamy comfort foods that he hungered for. None had the heavy cream, butter and cheese that comforting food often has. I learned the right way to substitute reduced fat half & half or evaporated skim milk for cream.

It was straightforward to convert any recipe to fat free, lowcal, low anything. I used healthy olive oil and marg, reduced both to one small spoons. The fifty fifty got replaced with the fat free kind. In a non stick pan heat oil over middle heat, add chicken and cook, turning once, till browned on either side and cooked all though ( about two minutes per side ).  Remove chicken. In same pan heat margerine till bubbly, add onions & mushrooms. Stir consistently till sauce comes to boiling point and thickens. Serve over the chicken.

Learn this technique of good eating, forget the trend diets and the tablets. Stop slaughtering your man and the children with what you believe is kindness cooking. Serve more plants and salad.

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