Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fried Quinoa

I haven't been eating as much quinoa as I usually do this weekend because I ran out and I have been wanting to try a new recipe, but couldn't think of anything. So I didn't get the ingredients I needed until today.

I ended up making a new recipe similar to fried rice but instead of rice I used quinoa. Cooking quinoa is very simple so this was just as easy to whip up in a jiffy. I really enjoyed making this recipe and it tasted great as well. This is definitely going to be a recipe I add to my list. I will probably eat it with some orange chicken next time I make it. Actually some beef and broccoli would taste great with this quinoa recipe. I'm getting hungry. I need to get some quinoa.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quinoa Is Great Before Working Out

This is just a quick post about my day today. I had one of those days where you jump out of bed and get ready as fast as you can to start your day. My Quinoa flakes are all gone so my breakfast just felt incomplete. Then I was too busy to eat lunch so by the time I got home I was starving and I had Judo practice about to start.

I hate eating before Judo, but I didn't want to go when I would have no energy.  So I looked in the fridge and luckily there was some left over quinoa. It was delicious. It was cooked in beef broth so it had a great flavor to it. It was very light and fluffy and took away my hungry feeling but didn't fill me up so that I felt stuffed. The last thing I want is to throw up during practice. The thing that I was most impressed with was the further into practice I got the more energy I felt like I had.

Quinoa is a great way to provide you body with the energy and nutrition that it needs. For sports or working out, you can't beat it because it has all of the protein you need to repair and build muscle tissue.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How To Cook Quinoa

What Is Quinoa

I'm still stunned when a person asserts to me "What is Quinoa?". 

Being so closely concerned makes me forget the it's one of the forgotten superfoods. Luckily it has a renaissance in the 21st century as folk discover the many health and fitness benefits. It hasn't had a great amount of TV coverage but that may come as Television cooks realize its good points and begin using it. 

The cause of its increasing popularity is two fold. First there's the health advantages of quinoa. Second is the undeniable fact that quinoa is so easy to cook and include in your diet. Now you can get it over the counter in most food stores and shops folks are purchasing and adding it to their diet. So what precisely is quinoa? 

Quinoa is a South American plant that bears seeds you can eat. In recent times quinoa farming has been set up in the United States and I have personally grown my very own quinoa. The plant is really easy to grow and hasn't got high demands apropos soil quality and nutriments. 

If you do grow it in rich soil then you'll get a higher yield but quinoa will grow just about anywhere. The rationale so many folk are roaring its praises is often because it's a wonderful source of protein and a slow releasing source of carbs. It's also an especially flexible food that can be utilised in salads, stir fry dishes, soups and stews and lots more. Quinoa is categorized as a plant protein which is simple to digest. It's been shown to be excellent for your kidneys and bladder as it contains all of the necessary amino acids.

What's Quinoa Like To Eat? 

The flavor of quinoa is light and fragile and can be used rather than rice in most recipes. A few of the people use it rather than couscous though it doesn't have the same texture as couscous. As you cook quinoa the external germ forms a band around each seed. It spirals out from the key seed forming a short tail.

This tail gives quinoa its signature crunchy feel and texture. Many vegans use quinoa to provide protein in their diet as it is a total protein. In the United Kingdom sportsmen and sports males and females use it to assist in building up their energy levels.

Don't Diet When You Are Simply Changing Your Diet

Here is an article that I found about a circumstance that is becoming all too common. Women are starting to change their husbands diets without them knowing about it. It is easy to eat healthy and not miss out on foods that you think you can't live without. By adding foods like Quinoa to your diet you can substitute so much for something with more health benefits. Enjoy this article below.

You won't be dieting, you'll be changing ingredients and you may surrender to some changes without turning your nose up before trying. It took a very long time to put that weight on, it'll come off, though not in six weeks like the thin models on your Television screen.

Have some patience! Do not have the attitude of a dieter. Remember, you aren't starving. You are eating savory, flavorsome food. My hubby was 241 lbs. And had a triple bypass 6 years back. Today he weighs 178 lbs and his cholesterol is 108. I never lied to him about his food, I just neglected to say that I did stuff like replacing the ground meat in his chili with vegan protein crumbles ( from the frozen food case ) and the shredded cheddar was vegan cheese from the superstore produce department. Believe it or disbelieve it, the shredded vegetarian cheddar tastes and liquifies miles better than the regular no-fat cheddar. He was starting to think there had been something awfully wrong with him. I purchased a chef book with masses of creamy comfort foods that he hungered for. None had the heavy cream, butter and cheese that comforting food often has. I learned the right way to substitute reduced fat half & half or evaporated skim milk for cream.

It was straightforward to convert any recipe to fat free, lowcal, low anything. I used healthy olive oil and marg, reduced both to one small spoons. The fifty fifty got replaced with the fat free kind. In a non stick pan heat oil over middle heat, add chicken and cook, turning once, till browned on either side and cooked all though ( about two minutes per side ).  Remove chicken. In same pan heat margerine till bubbly, add onions & mushrooms. Stir consistently till sauce comes to boiling point and thickens. Serve over the chicken.

Learn this technique of good eating, forget the trend diets and the tablets. Stop slaughtering your man and the children with what you believe is kindness cooking. Serve more plants and salad.

Quinoa Diet - The Vegetarian Lifestyle

All diets meant to promote heart health are low in fats and cholesterol and fiber-rich. This is what makes Quinoa such a great addition to vegetarian diets. Being a vegetarian is a natural decision for people that need to lower the risk of coronary disease because vegetarian diets are naturally low in fat and cholesterol and fiber rich!

Getting rid of beef, birds and fish, which are among the foodstuff highest in cholesterol and fats and lowest in fiber, could be a giant step in the direction of improving heart health, but in order to replace the protein they provide you need to discover a rich source such as quinoa. By extending the consumption of plant-based foods that are naturally rich in fiber, vegetarians find immediate health benefits that makes them feel better through out the day.

Plant-based foods, especially fruit and vegetables, also provide anti-oxidant protection for the heart. Saut foods in water or terribly small quantities of olive or canola oil. Olive and canola oils are thought to be the most healthy oils due to they help with reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Low-fat cooking strategies are also commended for heart health.

Such techniques include sauting, steaming, roasting, baking, poaching, boiling, and stir-frying with little oil. Frying foods, especially deep-frying, is rarely counseled for those nervous about heart health. You may replace the yolk with the white of another egg. For instance, if a recipes call for one egg, use 2 whites of the eggs and drop the yolks.

When on the lookout for ingredients for heart-healthy meals, buy lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes and fat free or fat free milk products. Avoid frozen veggies with cheese, cream or butter sauces. Read the labels on break foods to discover how much cholesterol and fats they contain. There are lower fat baked versions of many chips that would commonly be loaded in fat. Fiber helps to clean the blood of cholesterol, and is the reason why heavy fiber diets are thought to be useful to the heart. Also restrict consumption of sweet baked products like croissants and muffins, which are low in fiber and loaded in fat. Dining out can be particularly challenging both to salad munchers and to those nervous about heart health. Some easy guiding principles can make it less complicated.

For instance, select stir fried starters, steamed veggies, and pasta with catsup. Order baked potatoes without butter or cheese, and select vegetable-based soups. Avoid mayonnaise-based salad dressings, and always ask for dressings and sauces to be served on the side so that you can limit the amount you eat.

The incontrovertible fact that saturated fats are generally found in animal products is another natural advantage for veggies involved with heart health. Monounsaturated fats, the kind that are great for the heart, include canola oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts, avocado, soy, and nut butters. A herbivore diet that includes soy products may add an additional benefit for heart health.

Many studies imply a connection between soy ,eg tofu, soymilk, and soy yogurt, and lower rates of heart problems. The common advice is twenty-five grams of soy protein a day. Inversely, only vegetarian foods provide heart healthy fiber. Oats, carrots, fruits, and beans are particularly high in the type of fiber that helps in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. If you have an interest in becoming vegetarian then adding quinoa nutrition to your diet is a great way to get started in the right direction.

Quinoa Nutrition Makes Being Vegetarian Much Easier

Here is how eliminate beef from your diet safely and without having an effect on your diet needs. Think about why you need to go vegetarian, some of the explanations include moral or moral reasons, medical reasons, environmental reasons or a merger of any of these.

Adding Quinoa nutrition to your diet is a great way to start along the vegetarian path to health. The problem typically associated with taking meat out of your diet is to find enough protein to replace what you were getting from the meat. 

You can analyze the subject - read all you can on vegetarian nourishment and vegetarianism generally. There's a sufficiency of info on the web and in books. If you want to tell others about your decision, ensure you have some concrete research to back you up, as a few people are extremely dead set against to the concept of vegetarianism. Get some vegetarian cooking books and find some vegetarian recipes that interest you. Just about any vegetarian recipe has room for some Quinoa added to it.

Scan around shops, food stores and health food shops and see the diversity of vegetarian food that's available. You should be able to find Quinoa in just about any health food store if you look close enough. There isn't a huge selection, but there are a few brands and most stores carry a couple of them.

If you don't know how to get started on the vegetarian path, the best solution is to eat your last meal with meat, and and add some quinoa to the meal. Then stick to your guarantee to not eat red beef any more. Wait 2 - 3 weeks and eliminate chicken from your diet next. After a month to 2 months, stop eating any fish products ( crab, fish, shrimp, lobster). Be certain to replace masses of cheese ( rennet-less clearly ), dairy, legumes, nuts, and soy into your diet along with quinoa to be sure you get satisfactory protein. Play around with tofu, hummus, and different types of cheeses ( without or with rennet, dependent on how committed you are to no beef ).

Change your cooking habits slowly from beef filled dishes to vegetarian ones. Try adding quinoa to each meal you cook.  With quinoa, it makes it easy to replace the protein beef provides you in your diet. Some of the other forms of protein such as tofu might not particularly be realistic for you.

Finding and beginning on vegetarian recipes could be a thrilling and fun experience, so get out there and check all of the bookstores and get online and start compiling some fantastic vegetarian recipes, you will be surprised by how tantalizing they can be.